To us, hearths symbolize warmth, friendship, and intimacy, which is probably why they are part of so many of our projects. Flickering orange flames make us feel immediately at home, whether we're at a restaurant or a hotel. Fireplaces also invite lingering, conversation, and relaxation. Come sit by ours.

In this luxury complex, a lounge welcomes residents home.

Dine by the fire at the hotel’s Wolfgang Puck restaurant.

Curl up and read a book in NeueHouse New York's intimate library.

Amber glass gives the lobby bar a glowing hue and acts as a hearth.

An indoor-outdoor fireplace in the lounge connects to a social courtyard.

The lobby has a welcoming, residential feeling, complete with a roaring fire.

Historic details were preserved in this 1893 hotel in Old Quebec.

The resort is layered with rich textures and moments of discovery.

In 2000, we used leftover, crushed Steuben glass for a hearth within a table.